The 2016 Ornament
Posted by Seth Nichols on

We are working on developing our 2016 ornament and want your suggestions! Email us your suggestions at
The 2015 - Sterling Carousel Ornament - Is OFFICIALLY BACK!!
Posted by Seth Nichols on

Back by popular demand - The Cazenovia Abroad Sterling Carousel Ornament - The first ornament to make the return - The Carousel Rabbit The modern carousel emerged from early jousting traditions in Europe and the Middle East during The Crusades. Knights would gallop in a circle while tossing balls from one to another; an activity that required great skill and horsemanship. By the early 18th century carousels were being built and operated at various fairs and gatherings in central Europe and England. Soon after more than just horses donned the carousel. Carousel manufacturers created all sorts of different carousels...
The Sterling Carousel Ornaments are back!!
Posted by Seth Nichols on
Cazenovia Abroad is HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE - Back by popular demand - The Sterling Carousel Ornaments! These unique ornaments are not like anything you will get anywhere else. There will be more news about these ornaments and what ornaments are returning in the coming weeks of this highly anticipated return. To pre-order your Carousel Ornament today please call 315-655-3433.
Introducing the 2015 Ornament - The Wreath
Posted by Seth Nichols on

Each year Cazenovia Abroad introduces a new one-of-a-kind ornament. This ornament is met with great anticipation by collectors and the public alike in the hopes to top the beauty of the previous years. This year's ornament - The Wreath does just that.